Thursday, December 20, 2007

Learning about streaming audio

Yesterday I went to a fun party at the Business Exchange. We played this game where you had to step on a star on a raised platform, much like musical chairs. I was always the first one out because my walking was laggy due to my use of satellite to connect to SL. I even put on my tiny pig avi in hopes the smaller steps would help me maneuver, but that was no better. After that game Caliandris blew this giant bubbles that we fit inside and all of us floated and bounced into each other over the water until we popped.

While we were playing I IMd a fellow who I knew worked with streaming audio applications. He pointed me to a couple of sites that I need to explore in detail. What I need is a streaming server and a shoutcast something or other. So I plan to get that all squared away and ready to go for the official opening of the school.

The building is coming along beautifully, but I am hesitant to give a hard date on the grand opening.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Grid downtime has more than a few people with too much time on their hands....(Yes..You, Dizzy!) So I have been "tagged."

This meme seems to revolve around the following rules :

The “Eight Random Facts Blogmeme”:

Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.

People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.

At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

1) I had a heart operation when I was 8 months old.

2) I had a nose job at age 23.

3) My favorite place on Earth is where I am right now, at home.

4) I have appeared on television several times.

5) Once a year I hunt for morel mushrooms on my neighbor's land without permission.

6) I suffer Major-Depression-recurrent, in company with Ernest Hemmingway, Abraham Lincoln, and Mozart.

7) I am a self-taught plumber.

8) I am not bothered by bugs, snakes, or rodents.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Courthouse is Under Construction!!!

After a I was able to secure a new location on a fantastic sim, construction on the courthouse/school began. The building will look both outside and inside, like a traditional courthouse found in the United States. Upstairs there will be at least two classrooms. I can't say for sure when the grand opening will be, so stayed tuned....

Friday, November 23, 2007

Great News!

We are very lucky! A large space in a beautiful building has been donated for SLLS use and several layouts are being built for us as well. One layout will be a courtroom. So, my dream of conducting mock jury trials in-world is about to be realized.

Stay tuned for further details on the location and the announcement of our grand opening.

If anyone knows a RL law student in SL, please tell them to join. Remember though, that SLLS is a place for ANYONE to learn. Everyone should understand the law.

Learning the law can be fun! I promise!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Let's GO!!!!

Welcome to Second Life Law School. I am so excited to help people learn about the law.

I'm sure you have heard the saying that ignorance of the law is no excuse. In other words, you cannot defend yourself by saying you did not know what you did was illegal. Unfortunately, many people find out too late that they violated the law. Even worse, is not knowing your constitutional or civil rights!

My goal is to teach as many who are willing to learn what their rights are, what the law is, and how the legal system works in the United States. In addition, I hope to learn about the way legal systems operate in other parts of the "real world."

Go grab a seat with me and start learning!

Oh, by the way, although in real life I am a licensed practising attorney...I cannot and will not give individual legal advise or assistance. No lawyer-client relationship is formed should I respond to a post or email. Okay? Stay tuned....